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Current Textbook: Genki I

Particles in the Japanese Language Wo, De, Ni, He (Genki Chapter 3 Lesson 3)

Particles are very important in any language but today, of course, we’ll be talking about Japanese particles!


We will be talking about the particles を, で, に, and へ.



This particle is used to mark the direct object before it. Usually it marks the object the verb is acted onto just like in English!


水を飲みます。I am drinking water.


This article is used to mark where the place of the event is happening.


図書館で勉強します。I am studying at the library.


This is used in two ways.


Goal of movement. 

Ex: うちに帰ります I am going (returning) home.


 To tell a time or to tell a day that something will occur.

Ex: 月曜日に学校を行きます。On Monday I am going to school.


OR 九時ごろに寝ます。I go to sleep around nine.


Time References With に


This is also used to mark goal of movement, but ONLY for the goal of movement. Never for time. I’m going to create an article in the future that will help differentiate between the two! When using verbs like 行く, 来る, 帰る,  に and へ are interchangeable ONLY when using them for movement..


So using the example sentence for に above: うちへ帰ります。I am going (returning) home.


Amazon Links

I 100% recommend buying the Genki I 3rd Edition Workbook so that you can practice and look at your progress in the future!

Textbook Link: Genki I 3rd Edition Textbook

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