Let’s learn and practice Japanese together!

Current Textbook: Genki I

Dare No Noun, Noun Mo, Noun Janaidesu, Ne (Genki Chapter 2 Lessons 4-7)


だれ is a question word meaning “who”. の as we learned before means possession. So if you mash the two together you get…だれの is a question meaning “whose”!

それはだれの本ですか。Whose book is that?

これはだれの傘ですか。Whose umbrella is this?




You can use も when you want to say “too” or “also”.

A: テイラーはアメリカ人です。Taylor is American.

B: メアリーもあめりかじんです。Mary is also American.

When you are speaking, you do not need to add the same info again because it is understood what you are talking about. Just like in English!

Using B’s sentence as an example it would be:

メアリーさんも。Mary (is American) too.




じゃないです is used after any noun that you want to negate. This is the casual form of this phrase. Basically, it is the negative form of です (is)


Here is where will start to get into polite forms of phrases and words. Here is one sentence written in three forms. They all mean the same thing though.


Casual: それは本じゃないです

More Formal: それは本じゃありません

Formal: それは本ではありません





This is super simple! You add ね to the end of a sentence you want confirmation of the listener for.


A: テイラー好きの色は青いですね。Taylor your favorite color is blue, right?

B: はいそうです。Yes, that’s right.


You use よ at the end of a sentence you feel confidant in. You are stating that something is a fact.

バナナは果物ですよ。Banana is a fruit (I know this for a fact).


Thank you for studying with me!


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